What's New
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Added 'Text Direction' menu for selecting direction of text up-down or left-right.
- You can modify Notes and insert strings by executing Python Script.
This can be downladed from here. This is free app.
The difference from App Store Second Notes is that sharing notes with Second Notes for iOS via iCloud does not work, and only works at Apple Silicon.
And Python scrip doesn't work at Second Notes for Mac.
- Fixed an issue where the app would sometimes crash when changing the Country of Address.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Our AddressBook Apps: AddressBook Aid2, vCard Editor2, Second Contact2 have a bulk change function.
- Our AddressBook Apps: AddressBook Aid2, vCard Editor2, Second Contact2 have a sort function.
It is the best way to find duplicate contacts or data in your contacts.
- You can export selected contacts in your Mac to a vCard file as a backup.
- Several applications in our products have the "Show Fonts" in the font menu to show the font panel to select font used in the table. However the menu doesn't work in macOS 10.12.
Mar 11, 2018 Second Contacts for iOS is updated to 1.6.
- The UI design is not changed but updating the internal codes by using Contacts framework.